Welcome to Honey I Love Golf But… I Love You More!
Men, if you are looking for the perfect gift for your wife or significant other, this is it! It will help her understand why you love the game of golf so much and why you need your "golf time". Ladies, if your man hasn’t bought this book for you, buy it for yourself and it will provide you with insights about your man that you never knew. Ladies you will also find a special women only section packed with ideas to help you explore the golf lifestyle and bring more fun into your life.
It’s no secret that men and women are different. So when it comes to golf, they may look at the game from different perspectives. Get ready to embark on a light hearted look at men who love golf and the women who love them. This book brings a unique perspective on golf, love and life that both men and women can enjoy. You just might find out that the grass really is “greener” on the golf course. |

Click here to buy now.
View the winning essays of the Golfer's Wife
of the Year Contest here! |
You will discover:
What men have always wanted women to understand about their love for the game
Why men need their male bonding time on the course and the importance of the 19th hole
What men and women can learn about relationships from the game of golf.
How women can create their own “back nine club” to make new friends and enjoy the sport
How men and women can benefit from the game of golf and how one study discovered you might even live longer
How to create a lifestyle that will keep you enjoying the “sweet spot” in golf and in life
